You’re walking down the aisles of the bookstore and perusing the titles, trying to find one that might jump out at you as something appealing and different. Unfortunately nothing is catching your eye. Boring. Read it. Not likely. Who would want to read something with that title? Gross. Yeah…like that would make a good read. And then you finally see something that makes you laugh and, if the title hadn’t caught your attention the cover certainly would have. Staring at you, on the top shelf, strategically placed at eye level, is a garish green cover with a pink jellyfish floating in the center and bright blue lettering spelling out the title Nuclear Jellyfish. Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner. So you pick it up and read the synopsis, hoping that it will explain what could possibly bring someone to write a book and title it Nuclear Jellyfish – certainly there were drugs involved. But no, Tim Dorsey decides it is best to reveal nothing about the book on the back cover; or, at least, nothing that I could possibly understand. The one piece of information that I did garner from it was that this was one book in a series in which Serge Storms is the main character. So, deciding that even if the book turns out to be completely boring it would at least add a bit of color to my bookshelf, I buy the book and set about reading it.
One page in and I’m already hooked. I am one to write down quotes I find humorous and I found this one in the first paragraph: “Murder is such a charged word. You know how some people fixate and won’t let things go? They’re called cops.” As you might be able to deduce, Serge Storms is no ordinary person, he happens to be a murderer. However, he doesn’t kill people for no reason. Oh no! He kills people who deserve it. In this particular book he drives down the Florida coast chasing a gang of men who murder the diamond couriers they hire. Unfortunately for the murderers Serge happens to be psychotic as well as murderous which means that he doesn’t just kill them…he rigs up intricate systems a la Rube Goldberg that require little more than what one can pick up at Home Depot (a place he happens to love and where he admits that he gets most of his ideas). So, when Serge wraps his victims in garden hoses they don’t think much of it, until he explains what will be happening when he leaves them alone.
Maybe this doesn’t sound like your kind of book, but add to it one sidekick that often leaves you wondering if he might be mentally special, and a tag-along that is picked up on the way and you have the perfect combination for side splitting entertainment that will leave you wanting more. So do yourself a favor and pick it up the next time you are out, you definitely won’t regret it, and you might even find yourself with a sudden urge to go roadtripping to Florida!
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