Politics and religion. But mostly politics. Just a hint of religion.
Normally I want to read about neither of these (at least not as a recreational activity), so it may seem a bit odd that I picked up Boomsday with the actual intent of reading it. Shocking, I know. But, the thing is, the cover is just so inviting! I was walking past it in the bookstore and the bright blue and yellow screamed at me to pick it up. At first it looked pretty boring, but then I noticed that the author was said to have also written Thank You For Smoking (I will admit, I didn’t even know that was a book before it was a movie) so, I decided to take home Christopher Buckley’s book – Boomsday!! Really. Good. Choice.
Just think of this as reading The Constitution with Ad Libs. Okay…that is probably not at all what it’s like, but I felt like I was being educated on some of the goings-on of our public office holders while also being entertained by such outbursts as, “Instead of staring at a computer screen all night and railing against the government and shrieking that the sky is falling, you should be out exchanging bodily fluids and viruses with the rest of your generation” (taken from page 8, spoken by Terry Tucker).
So, what’s this book about? Basically it is a political satire - specifically about the Social Security “crisis” that we are facing. The main character, Cassandra Devine urges her peers via a political blog she spends most nights pouring her thoughts and opinions into, to rise up against the Baby Boomers who are cashing in on the social security that they will end up paying for. Why should her generation have to pay the bill when they weren’t the ones who made the mess, she asks. This triggers a few people to take to heart what she has said and lead a small revolt – catapulting her name and face up to the top of the most interesting people list and, eventually, landing her on the cover of Time magazine.
Oh, did I mention that she also recommends that people voluntarily “transition” (in laymen’s terms: commit suicide) at the age of 65 to allow a break in Social Security spending and not forcing the new generation to pay the bill the Boomers ran up. Add that to the fact that Cassandra soon becomes the girlfriend of a Senator who eventually decides to run for President, with the Transitioning Bill at the forefront of his platform.
Tell me you don’t wanna read this now.
- S
Write or Wrong - We're the real critics
A little blog by two sisters who read too much, watch too many movies and don't understand why nothing gets done. It's a problem.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Pride and Prejudice from Mr. Darcy's Point of View
Yes, I know, more about Pride and Prejudice... This time, however, I'll discuss books from two authors that write Mr. Darcy's story. Needless to say, this will be a long entry. Beware! I'm assuming y'all have a familiarity with the Pride and Prejudice story either from reading the novel or seeing the movie(s). If you are not familiar with the story and don't wish to have it revealed to you, don't continue reading this post! For everyone else, please read on.
I'm going to focus on the five versions of Pride and Prejudice from Mr. Darcy's point of view that I have read. (There are others, I just haven't gotten to them yet.) The first is Pamela Aidan's trilogy, Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman. The second, Mr. Darcy's Diary by Amanda Grange. Then The Private Diary of Mr. Darcy by Maya Slater, Darcy's Passions: Fitzwilliam Darcy's Story by Regina Jeffers (along with its sequel and a P&P adaptation) and Darcy's Story by Janet Aylmer.
Pamela Aidan's trilogy begins with Darcy, the Bingleys and the Hursts stepping out of their carriage as they arrive at the Meryton Assembly and ends, most unfortunately, at the wedding. I would have liked for the story to continue to the point that P&P ends. I loved how she has Darcy take a token of Elizabeth (without her knowledge) at the end of her stay at Netherfield after nursing Jane.
There are two instances in the story where Aidan takes the story to a level that I thought was slightly extreme: 1) Between Darcy's time at Netherfield and his visit to Kent, Darcy goes to visit a friend from his school days. His main goal in visiting is finding "The Woman", the one he hopes will erase Elizabeth from his thoughts because she will be the woman meant for him (he obviously doesn't realize he already has met her...). However, things go very wrong and Darcy returns to Pemberley without having rid his mind of Elizabeth. And 2) A couple months after Elizabeth's vehement refusal, Darcy accepts an invitation to a party hosted by one of the ladies he met at his friend's house earlier in the year. Again, things go very wrong. However, his friend Brougham rescues him from the dicey situation and then meets up with him at a bar later. When Brougham finally reaches the bar, Darcy is already quite drunk on Brandy (Darcy has been holding in his anguish from Elizabeth's refusal, the reason, I'm sure, as to why Darcy was not thinking clearly (though he may have believed he was) when he accepted the invitation). Brougham finally gets Darcy to tell him everything that happened, especially since his visit to Kent. After that night, Darcy is finally able to realize how right Elizabeth was in her criticism of his behavior. Aidan also introduces a great many new characters to the scene in filling in the months of Darcy's absence from Elizabeth's life.
Overall, however, I thought the story quite good. I liked seeing more of how Darcy lives his life - the expectations he has because of his social standing, his treatment of his servants and tenants, etc. But, again, I wish the story could have continued on at least a few more months. I must say, though, that despite the fact that the story gets a little extreme, Aidan describes the obvious passion that Darcy has for Elizabeth very well (especially when Darcy takes a token of Elizabeth - unbeknownst to her - right before she leaves Netherfield after taking care of Jane). And that, for me, mostly overrides my objections to those other parts.
Mr. Darcy's Diary begins with Darcy sending Georgiana to Ramsgate for the summer and ends the March after the wedding. This style of telling the story definitely makes it unique since we only see what parts of the story Darcy deems important enough to write about. There are certainly months with very few entries and months where there's an entry almost every day. Some days the entries are two or three sentences, some are pages long. The longer entries, of course, usually are those where he's thinking about Elizabeth or when he's actually been in her presence. I like how she shows off Darcy's inability to realize he's in love with Elizabeth - it is, I think, quite entertaining.
I noticed, too, how after Elizabeth's refusal, there aren't many entries in the intervening months before their chance meeting at Pemberley. My guess would be that this is because he didn't want to keep a record of his anguish (or, perhaps, he couldn't concentrate enough to get the emotions down on paper...). With the way this story is written, there isn't a lot of "fluff" filling the gaps in time that a regular novel would. Therefore, the story goes by much quicker. I have mixed feelings about this. I find it to be acceptable simply because I'm already very familiar with P&P. However, if you are not familiar with P&P, it may leave you wanting in details.
The Private Diary of Mr. Darcy is certainly more complete than Mr. Darcy's Diary, as far as the number and length of entries goes. This book begins with Darcy's first evening at Netherfield and ends just after Darcy and Elizabeth are officially engaged. In this, I was disappointed. Although the author gives a good reason for the ending of diary entries, I still hate that the story ended so soon.
Regina Jeffers does a very good job with Darcy's Passions. As the title implies, the book explores the hidden passion within Darcy, the emotional battle within him between what his head says society requires and what his heart says it wants of his marriage. The story begins shortly after Darcy arrives at Netherfield, before the Meryton Assembly, and ends about 2-3 months after the wedding. This particular version of the story has Darcy confiding solely in Georgiana about his feelings for Elizabeth. I like how mature Jeffers makes Georgiana - how much she's grown since her almost-elopement with Wickham.
There is also a sequel to Darcy's Passions (which I was very happy to discover): Darcy's Temptation. This book continues through the fall the year after their marriage. Georgiana has fallen in love with an abolitionist. It turns out that the acquaintance of family friends is a very strong objector to the abolitionist movement and this man. On a journey to another family friend to get more information on the objector, Darcy is beset by robbers intent on killing him. Darcy survives the attack and is taken in by another woman. This would not be such a problem if Darcy could remember his name...and the past six years of his life, restoring Darcy's previous hauteur and family pride. Darcy must again overcome his pride to be the man that Elizabeth deserves.
There were definitely times while reading this sequel where I was frustrated by Darcy's attitude toward Elizabeth, and even Georgiana. Of course, that is because I wanted to shake Darcy back to reality while telling him how remarkably foolish he's being. When I read of how much of his memory Darcy lost (and the content of his dreams), romantic that I am, I was really hoping all his memories would come flooding back as soon as his eyes beheld his Elizabeth. But, alas, we can't all have what we want and the story was good despite this obvious lapse.
Jeffers has also written a P&P adaptation (with more of an omniscient point of view), Vampire Darcy's Desire. I was expecting the storyline to basically follow the original story. However, this most definitely does not happen. There are elements, especially in the beginning, that are kept nearly the same. But because Darcy and Elizabeth admit their attraction to each other much earlier in the story, leading to a much earlier marriage, the later storyline almost doesn't follow the original at all. The dialogue that is recognized from P&P is sometimes verbatim, other times has a sentence or two added. Also, even if we recognize dialogue, it is not necessarily said by the same person or within the same setting. Despite these changes, the passion between Darcy and Elizabeth is as inflamed as ever, which is the important thing. Overall, I have this to say about Jeffers: I LOVE YOUR BOOKS!! Keep 'em coming!
Darcy's Story, unlike those above, is written such that you are basically reading P&P word for word (minus, of course, the conversations Darcy is not privy to), but with Darcy's comments instead of Elizabeth's. However, it begins, like Mr. Darcy's Diary, with Darcy deciding on sending Georgiana to Ramsgate for the summer, and ends at the wedding. At least there was a little more detail given for the day, versus what is told in P&P. I would have liked to have seen more depth to Darcy's comments and emotions, the passion hidden within him.
...Okay, here's a random side note/rant: I have realized more and more that every time I read a book, especially one I haven't read before or in a long time, I notice all the typos and mismatched formatting (raise your hand if you've ever done the same thing). Most of the time I overlook it because they are only slight mistakes. But sometimes there is that one book that has so many mistakes you wonder where on earth the editor was! I often wonder if editors ever actually read the whole book. Now, I realize that an editor probably has many, many books to review at once, but, still! One of these days, I might actually take the time and find all the errors in some of the more error-filled books and send them off to the publisher!
If anyone has also read these stories and has opinions on them, please share them. Or, if you've read other versions, please send me your recommendations! I definitely plan on finding more of these types of stories to read and enjoy (though, unless requested, I won't bore you with more long entries on Pride and Prejudice-related books).
I'm going to focus on the five versions of Pride and Prejudice from Mr. Darcy's point of view that I have read. (There are others, I just haven't gotten to them yet.) The first is Pamela Aidan's trilogy, Fitzwilliam Darcy, Gentleman. The second, Mr. Darcy's Diary by Amanda Grange. Then The Private Diary of Mr. Darcy by Maya Slater, Darcy's Passions: Fitzwilliam Darcy's Story by Regina Jeffers (along with its sequel and a P&P adaptation) and Darcy's Story by Janet Aylmer.
Pamela Aidan's trilogy begins with Darcy, the Bingleys and the Hursts stepping out of their carriage as they arrive at the Meryton Assembly and ends, most unfortunately, at the wedding. I would have liked for the story to continue to the point that P&P ends. I loved how she has Darcy take a token of Elizabeth (without her knowledge) at the end of her stay at Netherfield after nursing Jane.
There are two instances in the story where Aidan takes the story to a level that I thought was slightly extreme: 1) Between Darcy's time at Netherfield and his visit to Kent, Darcy goes to visit a friend from his school days. His main goal in visiting is finding "The Woman", the one he hopes will erase Elizabeth from his thoughts because she will be the woman meant for him (he obviously doesn't realize he already has met her...). However, things go very wrong and Darcy returns to Pemberley without having rid his mind of Elizabeth. And 2) A couple months after Elizabeth's vehement refusal, Darcy accepts an invitation to a party hosted by one of the ladies he met at his friend's house earlier in the year. Again, things go very wrong. However, his friend Brougham rescues him from the dicey situation and then meets up with him at a bar later. When Brougham finally reaches the bar, Darcy is already quite drunk on Brandy (Darcy has been holding in his anguish from Elizabeth's refusal, the reason, I'm sure, as to why Darcy was not thinking clearly (though he may have believed he was) when he accepted the invitation). Brougham finally gets Darcy to tell him everything that happened, especially since his visit to Kent. After that night, Darcy is finally able to realize how right Elizabeth was in her criticism of his behavior. Aidan also introduces a great many new characters to the scene in filling in the months of Darcy's absence from Elizabeth's life.
Overall, however, I thought the story quite good. I liked seeing more of how Darcy lives his life - the expectations he has because of his social standing, his treatment of his servants and tenants, etc. But, again, I wish the story could have continued on at least a few more months. I must say, though, that despite the fact that the story gets a little extreme, Aidan describes the obvious passion that Darcy has for Elizabeth very well (especially when Darcy takes a token of Elizabeth - unbeknownst to her - right before she leaves Netherfield after taking care of Jane). And that, for me, mostly overrides my objections to those other parts.
Mr. Darcy's Diary begins with Darcy sending Georgiana to Ramsgate for the summer and ends the March after the wedding. This style of telling the story definitely makes it unique since we only see what parts of the story Darcy deems important enough to write about. There are certainly months with very few entries and months where there's an entry almost every day. Some days the entries are two or three sentences, some are pages long. The longer entries, of course, usually are those where he's thinking about Elizabeth or when he's actually been in her presence. I like how she shows off Darcy's inability to realize he's in love with Elizabeth - it is, I think, quite entertaining.
I noticed, too, how after Elizabeth's refusal, there aren't many entries in the intervening months before their chance meeting at Pemberley. My guess would be that this is because he didn't want to keep a record of his anguish (or, perhaps, he couldn't concentrate enough to get the emotions down on paper...). With the way this story is written, there isn't a lot of "fluff" filling the gaps in time that a regular novel would. Therefore, the story goes by much quicker. I have mixed feelings about this. I find it to be acceptable simply because I'm already very familiar with P&P. However, if you are not familiar with P&P, it may leave you wanting in details.
The Private Diary of Mr. Darcy is certainly more complete than Mr. Darcy's Diary, as far as the number and length of entries goes. This book begins with Darcy's first evening at Netherfield and ends just after Darcy and Elizabeth are officially engaged. In this, I was disappointed. Although the author gives a good reason for the ending of diary entries, I still hate that the story ended so soon.
Regina Jeffers does a very good job with Darcy's Passions. As the title implies, the book explores the hidden passion within Darcy, the emotional battle within him between what his head says society requires and what his heart says it wants of his marriage. The story begins shortly after Darcy arrives at Netherfield, before the Meryton Assembly, and ends about 2-3 months after the wedding. This particular version of the story has Darcy confiding solely in Georgiana about his feelings for Elizabeth. I like how mature Jeffers makes Georgiana - how much she's grown since her almost-elopement with Wickham.
There is also a sequel to Darcy's Passions (which I was very happy to discover): Darcy's Temptation. This book continues through the fall the year after their marriage. Georgiana has fallen in love with an abolitionist. It turns out that the acquaintance of family friends is a very strong objector to the abolitionist movement and this man. On a journey to another family friend to get more information on the objector, Darcy is beset by robbers intent on killing him. Darcy survives the attack and is taken in by another woman. This would not be such a problem if Darcy could remember his name...and the past six years of his life, restoring Darcy's previous hauteur and family pride. Darcy must again overcome his pride to be the man that Elizabeth deserves.
There were definitely times while reading this sequel where I was frustrated by Darcy's attitude toward Elizabeth, and even Georgiana. Of course, that is because I wanted to shake Darcy back to reality while telling him how remarkably foolish he's being. When I read of how much of his memory Darcy lost (and the content of his dreams), romantic that I am, I was really hoping all his memories would come flooding back as soon as his eyes beheld his Elizabeth. But, alas, we can't all have what we want and the story was good despite this obvious lapse.
Jeffers has also written a P&P adaptation (with more of an omniscient point of view), Vampire Darcy's Desire. I was expecting the storyline to basically follow the original story. However, this most definitely does not happen. There are elements, especially in the beginning, that are kept nearly the same. But because Darcy and Elizabeth admit their attraction to each other much earlier in the story, leading to a much earlier marriage, the later storyline almost doesn't follow the original at all. The dialogue that is recognized from P&P is sometimes verbatim, other times has a sentence or two added. Also, even if we recognize dialogue, it is not necessarily said by the same person or within the same setting. Despite these changes, the passion between Darcy and Elizabeth is as inflamed as ever, which is the important thing. Overall, I have this to say about Jeffers: I LOVE YOUR BOOKS!! Keep 'em coming!
Darcy's Story, unlike those above, is written such that you are basically reading P&P word for word (minus, of course, the conversations Darcy is not privy to), but with Darcy's comments instead of Elizabeth's. However, it begins, like Mr. Darcy's Diary, with Darcy deciding on sending Georgiana to Ramsgate for the summer, and ends at the wedding. At least there was a little more detail given for the day, versus what is told in P&P. I would have liked to have seen more depth to Darcy's comments and emotions, the passion hidden within him.
...Okay, here's a random side note/rant: I have realized more and more that every time I read a book, especially one I haven't read before or in a long time, I notice all the typos and mismatched formatting (raise your hand if you've ever done the same thing). Most of the time I overlook it because they are only slight mistakes. But sometimes there is that one book that has so many mistakes you wonder where on earth the editor was! I often wonder if editors ever actually read the whole book. Now, I realize that an editor probably has many, many books to review at once, but, still! One of these days, I might actually take the time and find all the errors in some of the more error-filled books and send them off to the publisher!
If anyone has also read these stories and has opinions on them, please share them. Or, if you've read other versions, please send me your recommendations! I definitely plan on finding more of these types of stories to read and enjoy (though, unless requested, I won't bore you with more long entries on Pride and Prejudice-related books).
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Pride and Prejudice Continued...
As many "versions" of Pride and Prejudice as there are, there are, I think, at least as many continuations of the story. Some are a single volume, others are series. As it so happens, I have three of each to discuss. The single volume continuations are: Mr. Darcy Presents His Bride by Helen Halstead, Mr. Darcy's Decision by Juliette Shapiro, and Mr. Darcy, Vampyre by Amanda Grange. The series continuations are: The Pemberley Chronicles by Rebecca Ann Collins, The Darcy Saga by Sharon Lathan, and Pride and Prejudice Continues (?) by Linda Berdoll.
Mr. Darcy Presents His Bride begins the day after Elizabeth and Darcy have officially become engaged. It takes us through their honeymoon, return to Pemberley, Elizabeth's and Georgiana's presentations at St. James, and then continues with the . Elizabeth becomes a favorite of one of the more prominent ladies of society. One of the other friends, a playwright, of this lady has an obsession, more or less, with Elizabeth and tries to write a play based on her. This makes both Elizabeth and Darcy angry and puts a kink in their marriage. But, of course, they get over it and things go back to their happily ever after.
This book certainly has some interesting moments and has a good plot. However, I would have liked to see more of the behind-the-scenes relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth, more passion.
In Mr. Darcy's Decision, Mr. Wickham leaves a pregnant Lydia. In the midst of this new scandal at the hands of Wickham, Darcy and Elizabeth also learn they are to have a child. In order to hide the fact that Lydia was left while with child, Mrs. Bennett comes up with the idea that the baby be born and raised at Pemberley - by Darcy and Elizabeth. Both sides agree to this, and Lydia is brought to Pemberley to have her baby. However, eventually Darcy has misgivings about this and decides to contact Wickham to let him know about the baby. It is with this news that Wickham reforms. So, Darcy and Elizabeth keep their child, and Wickham and Lydia keep theirs.
As nice as it would be for Wickham to reform, and as much as it gives a happy ending, I just can't fathom it possible. Maybe that's just my personal hatred of Wickham, my opinion that he deserves much worse...
My favorite of the single-volume sequels is Mr. Darcy, Vampyre. The unique storyline made it fun to read. It starts out the morning of the wedding. It isn't until that day that Elizabeth begins to notice the occasional tortured expression on his face when he thinks she's not looking. Elizabeth is confused, thinking that Darcy is rethinking marrying her. They are taking a very long wedding tour across Europe to members of Darcy's family. Eventually, she figures out that Darcy is a vampyre and gets the whole story. Darcy is now very motivated to find a way to rid himself of the vampyre curse.
The Pemberley Chronicles is, at this point, a 10-book series. It is written very much in the style of Jane Austen. Admittedly, I only own the first 7 of these books, and have only read the first 5. However, despite that, I do like the series. And, before reading the other two series mentioned above, I loved it. Because it is written in true Jane Austen style, there is no description of the deep passion between Darcy and Elizabeth. Also, the timeline in these books is vague and hard to follow. For example, in the first book, one minute, they're coming home to Pemberley as newlyweds, the next Elizabeth's pregnant, then the baby's born, then the child is five years old. It's very disorienting.
Berdoll, in the preface of Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife, discusses the fact that because Jane Austen was a maiden her whole life and only wrote what she knew, none of her stories go further than the wedding - we never see what goes on behind closed doors. Both the Darcy Saga and Pride and Prejudice Continues delve much deeper into the immense passion that exists between Darcy and Elizabeth. In other words, the sexual component of their relationship is much more evident, and can sometimes be quite specific (all you have to do is read the first chapter of Berdoll's Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife to understand what I mean). This means that if you are a Jane Austen purist, you most likely won't enjoy either of these series.
One of the main differences between the two series is Mr. Darcy's pre-marriage sex life. In Berdoll's books, Darcy has been with other women, but always discreetly and never with a virgin (he refused to "deflower" a woman, unlike Mr.Wickham, who had no such qualms) - it was only ever to relieve those manly urges. This means that sometimes Darcy makes an occasional slip of the tongue that hints to Elizabeth that he has experience. Although I wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of Darcy being experienced, it certainly adds an interesting element to the plot (probably one reason why Berdoll chose this route). In Lathan's books, however, Mr. Darcy is educated, but inexperienced (apparently his father had some rather explicit books on sexual positions...). This, also, makes for some interesting bedroom "scenes".
The time line for Darcy Saga is much slower than that of the others; the first book comprises only the first 5 months of their marriage, the second the next 4 months, and the third the next 4-5 months (the fourth book comes out Oct. 1). Pride and Prejudice Continues moves much slower, with the first book covering the first 5 years, and the second the next year (the third book will eventually appear). I have to say that I prefer Berdoll's books to Lathan's because Berdoll's books move faster and, therefore, don't focus as narrowly on Darcy and Elizabeth as Lathan's do. However, despite this, I find both series quite good. I am very much looking forward to the release of their next books. (In the Arms of Mr. Darcy, the fourth book of the Darcy Saga, will be released on Oct. 5. The Ruling Passion, the third book of the Pride and Prejudice Continues series as of yet does not have a release date.)
Interestingly, Berdoll's interest in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice began with the BBC/A&E mini-series, whereas Lathan's began with the 2005 film (both discussed in an earlier blog, if you're interested).
Please share your comments on any of the books mentioned above and feel free to recommend others!
Mr. Darcy Presents His Bride begins the day after Elizabeth and Darcy have officially become engaged. It takes us through their honeymoon, return to Pemberley, Elizabeth's and Georgiana's presentations at St. James, and then continues with the . Elizabeth becomes a favorite of one of the more prominent ladies of society. One of the other friends, a playwright, of this lady has an obsession, more or less, with Elizabeth and tries to write a play based on her. This makes both Elizabeth and Darcy angry and puts a kink in their marriage. But, of course, they get over it and things go back to their happily ever after.
This book certainly has some interesting moments and has a good plot. However, I would have liked to see more of the behind-the-scenes relationship between Darcy and Elizabeth, more passion.
In Mr. Darcy's Decision, Mr. Wickham leaves a pregnant Lydia. In the midst of this new scandal at the hands of Wickham, Darcy and Elizabeth also learn they are to have a child. In order to hide the fact that Lydia was left while with child, Mrs. Bennett comes up with the idea that the baby be born and raised at Pemberley - by Darcy and Elizabeth. Both sides agree to this, and Lydia is brought to Pemberley to have her baby. However, eventually Darcy has misgivings about this and decides to contact Wickham to let him know about the baby. It is with this news that Wickham reforms. So, Darcy and Elizabeth keep their child, and Wickham and Lydia keep theirs.
As nice as it would be for Wickham to reform, and as much as it gives a happy ending, I just can't fathom it possible. Maybe that's just my personal hatred of Wickham, my opinion that he deserves much worse...
My favorite of the single-volume sequels is Mr. Darcy, Vampyre. The unique storyline made it fun to read. It starts out the morning of the wedding. It isn't until that day that Elizabeth begins to notice the occasional tortured expression on his face when he thinks she's not looking. Elizabeth is confused, thinking that Darcy is rethinking marrying her. They are taking a very long wedding tour across Europe to members of Darcy's family. Eventually, she figures out that Darcy is a vampyre and gets the whole story. Darcy is now very motivated to find a way to rid himself of the vampyre curse.
The Pemberley Chronicles is, at this point, a 10-book series. It is written very much in the style of Jane Austen. Admittedly, I only own the first 7 of these books, and have only read the first 5. However, despite that, I do like the series. And, before reading the other two series mentioned above, I loved it. Because it is written in true Jane Austen style, there is no description of the deep passion between Darcy and Elizabeth. Also, the timeline in these books is vague and hard to follow. For example, in the first book, one minute, they're coming home to Pemberley as newlyweds, the next Elizabeth's pregnant, then the baby's born, then the child is five years old. It's very disorienting.
Berdoll, in the preface of Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife, discusses the fact that because Jane Austen was a maiden her whole life and only wrote what she knew, none of her stories go further than the wedding - we never see what goes on behind closed doors. Both the Darcy Saga and Pride and Prejudice Continues delve much deeper into the immense passion that exists between Darcy and Elizabeth. In other words, the sexual component of their relationship is much more evident, and can sometimes be quite specific (all you have to do is read the first chapter of Berdoll's Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife to understand what I mean). This means that if you are a Jane Austen purist, you most likely won't enjoy either of these series.
One of the main differences between the two series is Mr. Darcy's pre-marriage sex life. In Berdoll's books, Darcy has been with other women, but always discreetly and never with a virgin (he refused to "deflower" a woman, unlike Mr.Wickham, who had no such qualms) - it was only ever to relieve those manly urges. This means that sometimes Darcy makes an occasional slip of the tongue that hints to Elizabeth that he has experience. Although I wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of Darcy being experienced, it certainly adds an interesting element to the plot (probably one reason why Berdoll chose this route). In Lathan's books, however, Mr. Darcy is educated, but inexperienced (apparently his father had some rather explicit books on sexual positions...). This, also, makes for some interesting bedroom "scenes".
The time line for Darcy Saga is much slower than that of the others; the first book comprises only the first 5 months of their marriage, the second the next 4 months, and the third the next 4-5 months (the fourth book comes out Oct. 1). Pride and Prejudice Continues moves much slower, with the first book covering the first 5 years, and the second the next year (the third book will eventually appear). I have to say that I prefer Berdoll's books to Lathan's because Berdoll's books move faster and, therefore, don't focus as narrowly on Darcy and Elizabeth as Lathan's do. However, despite this, I find both series quite good. I am very much looking forward to the release of their next books. (In the Arms of Mr. Darcy, the fourth book of the Darcy Saga, will be released on Oct. 5. The Ruling Passion, the third book of the Pride and Prejudice Continues series as of yet does not have a release date.)
Interestingly, Berdoll's interest in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice began with the BBC/A&E mini-series, whereas Lathan's began with the 2005 film (both discussed in an earlier blog, if you're interested).
Please share your comments on any of the books mentioned above and feel free to recommend others!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Charlie St. Cloud
I have just returned from seeing the new Zac Efron movie, Charlie St. Cloud, and let me tell you: it was amazing! If you haven't seen the previews for this movie, let me sum it up
Charlie St. Cloud loves sailing. He's the captain of the sailing team at his high school and even won himself a sailing scholarship to Stanford! On the evening following his high school graduation, tragedy strikes: the death of his young brother (ladies, prepare to begin the waterworks). With Charlie grieving his brother's death wondering why he was the one who lived, he defers his scholarship and stops sailing and instead works at the cemetery as a caretaker. However, Charlie has such a strong bond with his brother that he can see him and they play catch together every day at sunset. Then, one day five years later, a girl comes along. They went to high school together and she is as much an avid sailor as he was. She is about to embark on a six-month solo race around the world. One day she takes her boat out into a storm to test it.....and doesn't return. Charlie must now go in search of her to save her life and only he knows where she is...
Zac did a wonderful job in this movie. Compared to the other movies he is most known for (High School Musical 1-3, Hairspray, and 17 Again), this is a whole new type of role that he plays very well. I don't know if I'll see it again while it's in theaters, but it's definitely on my 'to buy when it comes out' list. I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I did!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Since writing the above, I have read the book (originally titled The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud) by Ben Sherwood. The book was just as amazing (if not better just because of the way the story is told) as the movie. There are, of course, the usual artistic liberties were taken with the movie, but that doesn't mean that I didn't like them (there are some movies where these liberties do not make me happy).

Zac did a wonderful job in this movie. Compared to the other movies he is most known for (High School Musical 1-3, Hairspray, and 17 Again), this is a whole new type of role that he plays very well. I don't know if I'll see it again while it's in theaters, but it's definitely on my 'to buy when it comes out' list. I hope y'all enjoy it as much as I did!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Since writing the above, I have read the book (originally titled The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud) by Ben Sherwood. The book was just as amazing (if not better just because of the way the story is told) as the movie. There are, of course, the usual artistic liberties were taken with the movie, but that doesn't mean that I didn't like them (there are some movies where these liberties do not make me happy).
Monday, July 26, 2010
Paranormal Activity
I was at the theater recently and watching the previews (which are just the best part of seeing movies) and what comes on but Paranormal Activity 2. Yes. I know. We are all excited about this because, let’s be honest, we were all pretty excited about the first one.
Paranormal Activity was filmed in 2006 over a period of a week at the directors’ house using a handheld camera and released in 2009 worldwide. Directed and written by Oren Peli the movie follows a young couple, Katie and Micah who have just moved in together in a suburban house in San Diego. The film follows the couple as they investigate the entity that has been following Katie around since she was eight. Recently the activity has become more common so Micah is determined to figure out what is going on and who is trying to contact his girlfriend. Unfortunately, the more they try to find out, the more the entity begins to reveal itself.
This is an edge of your seat thriller. Although it is low budget and contains no high end visual effects that can stun your senses the film provides more bone chilling and goose bump causing scenes than any other horror movie I have seen to this date. This film is not like most traditional horror films because there are no scare tactics in it – devoid of any suspenseful music that leaves you hanging you are able to get all the thrill without any of the disappointment. The use of a handheld camera provides a level of reality that no other thriller does and it lets you really believe that this is really happening and at the end of the movie you find yourself wondering if you were in fact watching a real persons home videos.
If you enjoy being scared I definitely recommend this movie because, even after watching it several times, I still get chills and have difficulty watching it alone. Things that go bump in the night….might actually be things. I was afraid, you will be too.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Sloppy Firsts
Megan McCafferty does an amazing job at bringing to light all the insecurities and inner musings of teenage girls the world over in Sloppy Firsts. Popularity, boys, school, SAT, college, family, boys, friends, gossip, and, did I mention boys? As you read through each journal entry you can’t help but think that these are your journal entries from when you were in high school (and, let’s be honest, even from now).
Jessica Darling begins to document her life the year her best friend, Hope, moves away with her family due to a tragedy in the family. Without Hope, Jessica is forced to become closer with the other girls in her clique despite the efforts she goes to to keep distant from them. Throw in some unwanted (or, maybe not so unwanted?) attention from a boy Jessica barely knows and you yourself are thrown back into your high school experience. As you are reading you begin to feel a part of everything that is going on and you begin to see Jessica, Hope, and the other characters as your personal friends. When you put the book down you begin to feel withdrawal from your new friends and you are forced to pick it back up and keep reading.
McCafferty doesn’t just skim the superficial surface of high school life – she goes deeper and really gets to the heart of the problems girls go through, not just in school, but in life. There isn’t one character that you can’t relate to and, a lot of the time, you find yourself shouting “Yes!” when you come across something you have thought or said. What is best about this book is that it’s only one in a series. I have read three of them already and, from high school, to college I have been able to relate the whole way and I am eager for more.
Do yourself a favor, pick it up the next time you’re at the bookstore. Maybe it’s not a classic, but you will definitely feel good after reading the Jessica Darling books. You’ll laugh, maybe cry, and you will without a doubt fall in love with the characters and yourself in the process.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Hopeful Heart
While meandering through the bookstore one day, I glanced upon this book: A Hopeful Heart, by Kim Vogel Sawyer. It wasn't the title that caught my eye, it was the fact that the girl pictured on the cover reminded me of Keira Knightley. However, after reading the back cover synopsis, I decided to read the first chapter to see how I liked it. Well, considering I bought and read the book, I guess I liked it. Actually, I loved it. How can anyone not enjoy a good love story?
The story takes place in the summer of 1888 in Barnett, KS. Tressa Neill lost both of her parents when she was young and was raised by an unloving aunt and uncle. Despite her upper-class education, she is forced to come out to KS by her aunt and uncle for a chance at "second-best" because she will not be accepted by any man of status because she has no dowry. Along with five other young women from New York, she arrives in Barnett to attend the Wyatt Herdsmen School run by Hattie Wyatt. Hattie had been a widow for a couple years and began this school to take girls from the East Coast, teach them the duties and responsibilities required to be a successful rancher's wife with the goal of marrying them off to the single ranchers in the town.
Abel Samms was one of these single ranchers who was still nursing a broken heart from the last time he'd fallen in love...with a woman from the East. Needless to say, he still harbors a grudge against women from the east. He tries to keep his distance from these young women, but there's something special about Tressa. Abel has problems of his own to solve, however: over the past two years, he has been the target of a cattle rustler. Before he can solve the problems of his heart, however, he must find the cattle rustler to save his ranch.
The story takes place in the summer of 1888 in Barnett, KS. Tressa Neill lost both of her parents when she was young and was raised by an unloving aunt and uncle. Despite her upper-class education, she is forced to come out to KS by her aunt and uncle for a chance at "second-best" because she will not be accepted by any man of status because she has no dowry. Along with five other young women from New York, she arrives in Barnett to attend the Wyatt Herdsmen School run by Hattie Wyatt. Hattie had been a widow for a couple years and began this school to take girls from the East Coast, teach them the duties and responsibilities required to be a successful rancher's wife with the goal of marrying them off to the single ranchers in the town.
Abel Samms was one of these single ranchers who was still nursing a broken heart from the last time he'd fallen in love...with a woman from the East. Needless to say, he still harbors a grudge against women from the east. He tries to keep his distance from these young women, but there's something special about Tressa. Abel has problems of his own to solve, however: over the past two years, he has been the target of a cattle rustler. Before he can solve the problems of his heart, however, he must find the cattle rustler to save his ranch.
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